SpecializationsPractice areas
Oren Ben-Law Office & Notary provides representation and legal counsel in all the areas of Civil Law giving personal attention to all of its clients and providing always a detailed explanation of their legal status, prospects, anticipated costs and legal proceedings
Family Law and
Rabbinical Court
Legal counseling and representation in the Rabbinical Court and the Family Court in matters of:
Wills and inheritances
Dismantling sharing, including, property selling in the course of a divorce
Financial agreements
Contract Law
Legal advice and representation in all courts:
Commercial contracts
Standard contracts
Insurance contracts
Contracting contracts
Entrepreneurship contracts
Contracts between spouses, in particular, divorce and financial agreements.
Contracts in commercial and private real estate, in particular, apartment sales or lease.
Work contracts
Loan or mortgage agreements or pledging
Real Estate Law
Legal advice and representation in all the Civil Courts, before the Planning Committees, Appeal Committees, the Condominiums Inspectors and before the Registrar of Cooperative Societies:
Planning and building laws
Compensation for damage to land pursuant to the Section 197 of the Planning and Building Law.
Tenant Protection Laws
Real estate sales agreements and combination agreements.
Administrative procedures and registration of land in the Land Registry and Administration of Israel Lands
Real Estate Taxation
Real estate in kibbutzim and moshavim
Public / Administrative Law
Legal Advice and Representation in the Court of Administrative Affairs and in the High Court of Justice (HCJ):
Public Administration Law
Ground rules
Local Government Law - Councils, Municipalities.
Municipal taxation
Tenders Law
Commercial Law
Legal advice and representation for all types of corporations, including management and registration matters:
Cooperative societies
Insolvency Law
Legal advice and representation at the Execution Office and the Court for Insolvency:
Execution Law
Bankruptcy Law
Corporate Liquidation Law
Dismantling sharing Dissolution
Mediation Proceedings and Arbitration
Consulting and legal representation in mediation and arbitration proceedings, such as:
Mediation meetings
Management of mediation proceedings
Cancellation or approval of an arbitration award
Appeal of an arbitrator's award
Labor and Employment Law
Counseling and legal representation at the National Insurance Institute and the Labor Court:
Rights in National Insurance
Work contracts
Collective agreements
Work accidents
Workers rights